Inward Light No. 101




I was hungry for meaning and purpose in my life and you gave me bread.

I was thirsting for righteousness and the Word of God…

You gave me a cup of cold water and I thank you for it. I know it was all you had.

I was a stranger, lost in a confused world, homesick for the One who could still my restless soul. You gave me a bed.

When I was naked, stripped of my defenses, face to face with my divided self, afraid

You gave me one of your shirts and a pat on the back.

When I was sick with self-loathing and despair

You came to me and gave me words of encouragement.

I was in prison and you visited me. You said, “Right on!” and spoke of the need for prison reform and the need to change the system.

Quaker, Friend, when are you going to change yourself?

When will you do these things for love of Me?


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